Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Social networks  like Facebook, YouTube and RSS Feeds** have opened the doors to approaching sensitive topics people generally don’t feel comfortable expressing in their ‘real’ lives, using them to talk about issues in a more anonymous way to get informationseek help, or share pain.
The Recovery Place team feels the availability of solid information about drug and alcohol addiction, and where to seek help or share issues, is critical—so we are committed to being an active force by using social media frequently and extensively.  It is another way that we can help!
The Recovery Place YouTube channel is packed with videos portraying real life stories of individuals who have struggled with addiction and are now successfully living in recovery.
TRP’s Facebook page offers daily posts filled with statistics, inspirational testimonials, and specific support information.  It is also a place where you can share.  And did we mention that we have a Twitter page?

**RSS Feeds—“what the heck are they and how can I get one?”
In layman’s terms, Really Simple Syndication is the opportunity to gather frequently updated works, like The Recovery Place blogs, into one location on the internet.
You can subscribe to as many RSS feeds as you are interested in, and they can range from recovery specific information to hobbies, news, travel, sports, you  name it!  The newest information on all of your information and blog feeds will be delivered directly to one spot, your RSS Reader. 
Once you get your RSS Reader up and running, make sure you visit The Recovery Place website, add our RSS feed and follow our blog

View Original Post, Social Media: From Fad to Fantastic Recovery Support!