Heroin and cocaine are the most commonly used drugs of abuse and addiction in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with prescription drug abuse on the rise.
A recent study by the Bay State reveals that at least two citizens daily die from opiate-related overdoses, and state authorities take these statistics very seriously, recognizing that the numbers are just a stand-in for the human stories behind them.
Homeless statistics in Massachusetts and many other states show a direct correlation between drug use and homelessness. This is a rock-bottom point for many addicts and alcoholics.
Use of alcohol by children under the age of 18 is also on the rise in Massachusetts, with over 80% of high school students admitting to having had at least one alcoholic drink. Another study reveals that 33% of 12-20 years olds say they have had alcohol in the last month. Scary statistics, considering the fact that alcohol use is often combined with an automobile and a driver with only a few years of experience.
While the statistics in Massachusetts are sobering, it is a state that recognizes the importance of increasing readily available drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation services to citizens of all ages, and has solid implementation of a wide variety of programs