Pennsylvania is almost the mirror image of Florida when comparing drug and alcohol addiction trends.
Overall, the state of Pennsylvania can claim the lowest rates of alcohol abuse, as well as a below national rate of abuse of prescription painkillers (obtained either legally or illicitly). Marijuana use is one area in which Pennsylvania ranks higher than the national average.
Expanding out from urban PA, distributors of South American heroin have been placing increasing emphasis on the rural areas of the state, targeting small towns. The DEA (US Drug Enforcement Agency) has also noted that rural areas reciprocate by producing methamphetamine that is then distributed in Philadelphia and other metro areas. Club drugs remain easily accessible on college campuses in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania.
The big ditto: like all other states that we have discussed so far in this blog series on regional trends, alcohol and drug rehabilitation and treatment centers are on the decline, even though the need for specialized centers is increasing.
Pennsylvania lawmakers are expressing concerns about another area of addiction: gambling. While wanting to make use of the positive financial resources that come from legalized gambling, how will the state handle problems that may arise for some people? Particularly with the reduction in addiction treatment services and rehab centers?