Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Catholics around the world are observing this particular Wednesday, March 9th, 2011, as Ash Wednesday. As many of us know, Ash Wednesday marks the starting point for the Catholic tradition Lent–a time of sacrifice for Jesus.  Lent is traditionally 40 days long, starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter, where those participating in the tradition sacrifice something from their daily lives for the entire period. Common ‘sacrifices’ include meat, coffee (caffeine), or alcohol. 
Certainly, Lent is not a tradition everyone partakes in, as it is from Catholic origin, but the idea behind it is something we can all relate too. 
We all have our vices… Some more obvious than others, and all of which we could probably ‘sacrifice’ in becoming a better person. 
Many of you have spent the last few months challenging your will power and strength. Now in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction you can continue to test yourself and become the best version of you. 
I would like to challenge all of you to 40 days of sacrifice, even if it’s as little as cutting back on a daily “cuppa joe,” and then tell us about it. What are you giving up? What’s the hardest thing about giving it up and what have you put in place of those habits? Maybe instead of watching TV you've taken up reading and instead of fast food you’ve planned out your home cooked meals.  Either way, challenge yourself. 
As humans we are constantly growing—dare to flourish in the inevitable growth. 

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