In one of the earliest of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels, Watson expresses the fact that drug rehabilitation isn’t easy. In fact, it is anything but elementary.
Addressing Holmes’s cocaine addiction he says:
“I was well aware that the fiend [addiction] was not dead but sleeping; and I have known that the sleep was a light one and the waking near in periods of idleness”.
The need for a formal program of drug rehab and treatment for addictions from heroin, crystal meth, opiates, prescription drugs and many other substances hasn’t change, inside a novel or out. And it is a crucial need for recovery to be possible.
The Recovery Place is proud of its reputation as a successful comprehensive drug rehabilitation center.
We incorporate an approach that keeps the client and family at the center of the care plan. Each person is unique. And their care should be unique, too. Nothing spells failure more succinctly than making an addict fit the course of treatment, instead of the other way around.
Individualized treatment at The Recovery Place begins when a client or family member makes first contact, and it carries on into the aftercare period. Nothing is left to chance, and the care plan adjusts to the progress and needs of the recovering addict.
Drug rehab and recovery isn’t easy, its hard work. But regaining health is worth every hard step.
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