Charlie Sheen has been the trending topic of discussion for the past couple weeks. From his multiple rants via radio interview, countless articles about his drug addiction causing the demise of one of televisions top rated shows Two and a Half Men and his egotistical opinion of him “winning” the battle (with both CBS and drug addiction). Needless to say he has been the highlight on American entertainment for quite some time.
During this time we have also seen Christina Aguilera run in with the police for public intoxication and it seems we can’t get away from Lindsay Lohan’s messes.
So when is enough…enough?
I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJs were debating this very argument—should celebrities, entertainers, professional athletes, those who are supposed to be role models for modern day youth have a “three strikes and you’re out” clause? Should something be put in place affirming after three (or less) major blunders with the law, such as we’ve seen with Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan, that they can no longer work in the industry? Should athletes that assault women, go to jail on drug charges, get multiple DUIs or fight dogs no longer get signed to new teams or be able to renew contracts?
Kids, from the moment they turn on a TV find people to admire—to follow in their footsteps. Are we enabling destructive future generations by allowing people who act above the law to be admired and to make more money than those that don’t have records, or providing such extensive habit feeding salaries? Obviously this is a topic to never be touched within the entertainment industry, but worth a little debate.